Hot Asphalt Awareness: How to avoid doggy paw burns in summer

Even a short walk on certain surfaces, including footpaths, can cause damaging burns on your dog's paws if the weather is too hot.

A scary thought! And one that many of us haven't considered (as a dog owner, it took me a while to figure this out too).

Here's what you need to know about the dangers of walking in hot weather, what to consider and how to keep your doggy safe.

How hot is too hot?

Twenty-five degrees may not feel very hot for us, but the heat of the asphalt on the ground tells a different story. This is because asphalt does a very good job of retaining heat throughout the day.

Asphalt typically measures 52 degrees on such a day, according to a Frostburg University study. And if you've ever walked on hot concrete before, you know it's not pleasant!

Your dog feels no different. 

As a rule, if the temperature is anything above the early 20s it's too hot to walk your dog on the footpath.

The 7-second test

When you’re not sure if it's going to be too hot for your dog's paws outside, a quick and easy way to tell if that's the case is what's called the '7-second test'. 

Place the back of your hand on an asphalt surface and hold it there for 7 seconds. If you feel like it's burning your palm, or it's generally too hot and unpleasant, it's too hot to walk your dog. Easy! 

Where you should walk your dog

There are plenty of options that will keep your dog fit, happy and healthy.

Walking your dog on grass or another natural surface is always the best option as even in hot weather the surface temperature of natural environments remains relatively stable.

Alternatively or if that's not an option, you can simply walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when it isn't as hot. 

And it is always nice and cool in our shop in Camberwell Market - we'd love to see your furry friend and you on your walk!

bugsy's pet supplies


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